My classes and workshops are an extension of the joy and excitement I feel when I create my own art. As a working artist, I experiment with new approaches, new techniques and media to keep my art fresh.
Since 1990 I have shared my evolving knowledge and expertise with thousands of students, tailoring classes to various skill levels. I attribute much of my teaching success to my life as a working artist. I embrace student interaction, and I use a step-by-step experiential approach in all of my classes.
Highlighted below are my In-Person class and workshop categories. Check back for updates, or sign up to be first to learn about classes are they are added to the calendar.


This ever-expanding catalog of Plein Air all-levels, 2-day classes go beyond the traditional classroom environment. Drawing and painting outside can be a huge challenge, but that’s also the fun.
With guided step-by-step instruction, discover how to carry your studio in a pack, balance your paint palette on your lap, and best of all...learn how to render a landscape using only black and white, draw a tree in a breeze, capture a moving shadow with ball-point pen, or measure and draw the perspective of an old barn. With new tools in your pocket and drawing confidence in your hand,you’ll look forward to your next OUT THERE drawing adventure!
These All-Levels Classes include:
NOTAN Landscapes
Drawing Trees
Colorado Wildflowers
Old Barns, Buildings & Landscapes
Quick Sketching & Painting

These classes provide all levels of student the opportunity to learn, review and practice the basics of drawing. Lots of hands-on exercises, one-on-one attention, demos and even a bit of dancing inspires students to excel in a competition-free environment.
These All-Levels Classes include:
BACK to BASICS: Drawing with Confidence
BEYOND the BASICS: Finding Focus
BEYOND the BASICS: Into Color
BEYOND the BASICS: Face It (Drawing Portraits)
BEYOND the BASICS: Drawing Challenges
BEYOND the BASICS: Drawing Challenges 2
BEYOND the BASICS: Cabinet of Curiosities

Over the past thirty years, as an instructor at the Denver Botanic Gardens School of Botanical Art & Illustration and developer of my own successful art workshops and programs, I’ve learned a bit about teaching!
The goal in all my classes is to inspire you to learn beyond what I teach in the classroom. To do this, I focus on your artistic strengths and weaknesses, devise exercises that build upon your strengths, create a non-competitive environment in which you are encouraged to learn from others, and gently nudge you to explore on your own. You make mistakes. You learn from your mistakes and gain new confidence. Pushing yourself a little more and excited to develop additional skills, you learn to trust your insight and your drawing hand. You discover your own artistic “voice”. It’s that simple!
My classes incorporate:
Step-by-step instruction, straightforward learning
Handouts that reinforce and expand upon class instruction
Live demos and original artwork to visually communicate technique and process
In-class exercises that reinforce new skills
One-on-one critiques that meet you where you are in the learning process
Group critiques to illustrate common challenges and good techniques
These All-Levels Classes include:
Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Graphite
Pen & Ink 1 & 2
Transparent Acrylics
Light on Form
Mixed Media
and other subject matter or media-specific courses

ART & ILLUSTRATION Classes hosted by Educational Institutions
Looking for a Science Illustration class, a diorama "field sketching" outing, a "How-To-Draw" skulls, beetles, butterflies art class enhanced by an introductory talk by science specialist?
I teach a variety of fun and unique, all-level classes at Natural History and Science Museums, Botanic Gardens, Art Schools and national and international science illustration and botanical art Conferences.
Check out my current and upcoming classes and be sure to sign up quickly. These offerings fill quickly!